
Before you continue, I'd like to say that I didn't intend for this website to be quite so long. My wife, and general wisdom (which I'm told are often the same thing), tell me websites should have little text and get straight to the point. I agree, and I get to the point as quickly as possible, but as I wrote the website, it turned out there are a lot points, hence the website became less of a website and more of book. They do say that everyone has a book inside them - but that for some people it should stay there (hopefully, that's not the case here).

If you are genuinely interested in how people in this day and age can believe in God, I do hope you stick with it. I've included bookmarks at every section, so you can take a break and come back to where you left off (and as an engineer, I really did quite enjoy making the bookmarks system), just click the .